

Video: Lady Geek Episode 2: Win the Nokia E72 (+ Open Table Review)

| July 8, 2010 | Reply

Last week, Lady Geek premiered with a bumper Ovi Highlights edition. Now here’s episode 2.

Just wait a bit as they will get around to covering an app for Symbian: Open Table.

This is an app that will help you find restaurants, either nearby with GPS or at a specific destination. You can browse restaurants by type and also filter with price listings (awesome if you’re either on a budget or want to splash out, you can find what you want)

Watch till the end as you’ll also be given a chance to win the superb Nokia E72.


ZOMG, I can’t wait for Qt so we can all share in the cross platform app goodness. Dear developers, there’s no reason to just stick with 2 platforms. Make much more money with a bigger audience through MeeGo and Qt (on Symbian^3 s^4+ devices)


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Category: Nokia, Symbian, Video

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