

Ovi demoed on N8 promotional video

| July 27, 2010 | 5 Replies

I came across this interesting promotional video of Ovi being shown off on the N8 but with some bizarre UI elements of the Nokia 5800 or the current S60 5th edition for the music phones, must have been an old video pitched to the Nokia marketing department maybe before making a final video I don’t know  but still seems weird.

BTW Nokia are finally taking Ovi more seriously a lot of videos have surfaced with Ovi being the main service being heavily advertised which is good because I like Ovi and I am sure a lot more people would if they just got rid of some of the services and concentrated on the more important ones such as Ovi maps, Ovi store and maybe Ovi files.


Category: 5th Edition, Advert, News, Nokia, Nseries, OVI, Promotion, Symbian, Video

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Hey welcome and thank you for reading my post. Well I am a student based in the UK, and try to blog about Nokia as much as I can in my spare time. I am also on twitter where you can follow me @jwf90 or also the site @mynokiablog. You can also contact us with juicy tips or suggestions at tips(@)