

Video: The First Official Interactive Unboxing Of The Nokia N8 – and a jab at Steve Jobs, iPhone 4 Dropped calls and Flash enabled websites.

| September 9, 2010 | 9 Replies

In this great use of YouTube’s annotation and redirection feature for videos, Nokia again creates an interactive set of videos. This time to unbox the Nokia N8. You have three unboxers to choose from and after the unboxing, you’ll get the chance for another look at the N8’s features individually.

The Into video is just amazing -  look at all those Nokia N8 boxes. Dear Nokia – can I have, just maybe one please? hehe.


Oh Suzy – she’s like the grown up Dora the Explorer. The Spanish accent and that way she talks to you like you’re still 2 years old. “When you see the N8 on the screen, shoult, “Magnífico!”

The BLACK -dark grey one is calling me. “drool”. Oddly, when Ryan and Suzy talked about the capacitive stylus for the N8, I don’t know why they had to mention it for accuracy as opposed to using it for handwriting. Brenda does make a point about being able to use it during winter when you have to use gloves and capacitive screens don’t work. Hmm, what about capacitive gloves?

Also amusing in this series is the jabs at Steve Job’s mighty iPhone. This time for the call quality and Flash enabled (or lack of in iPhone) websites. They could have made another jab with having real multitasking. 😀




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Category: Nokia, Nseries, Symbian, Video

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