

Gallery: Nokia N900 vs Nokia E7 – Just how much better is CBD AMOLED over TFT LCD?

| September 25, 2010 | 0 Comments

Just how much better has the Nokia’s CBD AMOLED improved from the previous N900 TFT LCD (disregarding the N86 2.6″ AMOLED). The difference is startling. (note, N90 does have screen protector, but the colours would look pretty much the same regardless as it did so on the show floor N900).

N900 does ‘win out’ though on resolution, but the benefit perhaps with nHD is improved battery life with pushing around less pixels. Hopefully N9 has a bigger battery pack, eh?


The gallery below should link to full sized  12mp (though compressed somewhat) and to other photos where N900 is closer to the camera (so equalling reflection flare for N900 comparison).


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