

Video: Nokia N8 Producers – Win a Zero Gravity flight! #N8Productions

| December 2, 2010 | Reply

Yesterday we got a little sneak preview of the Nokia N8 Producers campaign (#N8Productions) including the N8 Productions kit and a snippet of info on what it was about.

Check out the video below from nokia‘s YouTube Page

– Take N8 footage

– Produce an amazing video.

– Share it with Nokia

– Profit! (Win a Zero Gravity flight! 8 winners each can bring +1)

Ha check out the zero gravity N8! That’s what I wanted to see when I heard about this and they’ve actually already done it! :p

Video and Rules below.

Nokia N8 Producers are those who have a desire to produce truly incredible video with the Nokia N8. We’re looking for the ultimate N8 Producers at – the best eight will win an amazing Zero Gravity flight!

As an example of the sort of thing we’re looking for, we took a few Nokia N8s around the world to shoot this video with Capoeira artists, an ice skater, a silk aerialist, skateboarders and a rock climber. We even took the N8 onto the same Zero Gravity shuttle that you could win a seat on.

We’ll be releasing some behind-the-scenes videos over the coming weeks.


N8 Producers are those who have a desire to produce truly incredible video shot on the N8.

Capture your skills in action or tell the story you always wanted, share it with the world and you could be on your way to an amazing Zero Gravity experience! We will be sending the eight best producers along with one lucky friend each into Zero G!

There’s a new production company in town, and it’s in your hands. Become an N8 Producer.

The Entry Rules

There are just five rules:

  1. Your production must be shot on an N8 (although post production is allowed)
  2. Your production can be no longer than 3 minutes
  3. When uploading your video on Vimeo or YouTube tag it #N8Productions and of course use this if you decide to talk about it anywhere else online
  4. If dialogue is included, your production must be in English (or have English subtitles)
  5. You must own the rights to all the content in your production

Once you’ve shot your video on the Nokia N8 and you’re happy with it, simply upload the file to either your YouTube or Vimeo account. After that, fill in the submission form by clicking ‘Upload your production’ above, and include a link to your video. There’s no limit on the number of submissions you can make, so upload as many as you like!

Closing date for submissions is January 31st 2011 and we’ll be announcing the winners of the Zero Gravity experience in early February 2011. You’ll need to be available between February 25th and March 1st March 2011 for the prize. There will be eight winners and each winner can pick one lucky person to bring along!

Don’t have an N8? Don’t worry! Submit your production idea here and you could win an N8 to trial and make your video.


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Category: Nokia, Nseries, Symbian, Video

About the Author ()

Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]