

Tweets Sent from Nokia N9 and Nokia N9 Widget?

| December 10, 2010 | 30 Replies

This is from @davidgilson's Gravity app taking a screenshot of @SimonLR's tweets.

I don’t know what this is about but Adnan sent in a screenshot from @SimonLR who’s twitter says he’s tweeting from Nokia N9 and Nokia N9 Widget.

  • -WOW
  • -I’m just going to leave this tweet here and see what happens
  • -There’s home screen widgets
  • – This keyboard is spacious
  • -Ovi Store doesn’t work

Simon’s friend, @MikeMacias: says:

I don’t know if @SimonLR got his hands on N9 today but don’t think he’d kid. Simon resigned from @mobile_fanatics and TMF doesn’t have it

Those tweets aren’t up any more. But plenty of people have seen it. Twitter fault/masking?

update: The original batch of tweets still there, sent 13h ago (hence why not in recent block of tweets).

Additional details:

  • Nokia fans, save your money for the next few months
  • Android and iOS don’t have shit on this. Not even close

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Category: Nokia

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