

Video: Time Lapse App available at Ovi Store

| January 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

Whilst Iain Wallace’s Sequence mode app is still in the works, here’s another time Lapse application by Harald Meyer that is available on the Ovi Store right now for £1.50 (or whatever regional price).

I have not tried it yet, and there are only three reviews, a couple which have problems actually using the app.

Nseries until the N97 have had a time lapse feature in the extensive sequence mode function of the camera, but since then it hasn’t returned at all. This is a shame for the likes of the N8 which has great strengths in photography. Apparently, this was to make sure the focus of effort went first to producing fantastic pictures – which has been proven time and time again.

Sequence mode enables several consecutive photos to be taken over a long period and can be then exported to a video editor to compile into videos – with each shot counting perhaps as a frame (though this depends on what effect you want and how many frames you have in total).

According to the app description, this can store the photos AND the time lapse movie itself, thus bypassing the video editing stage.

An example video is shown below by jaydee9765: I’m not sure if that’s the output of the app – it is quite blurry.

I’ve been enjoying time lapse since the N95 :D. This one was taken by the N85. Important things to remember:

  • Make sure phone is charged. If possible, put it on charge (e.g. with portable power pack). If you’re snapping over several hours, the battery could die before any photos are saved.
  • Make sure phone is steady Get a tripod and a mount. See the DIY mount yesterday, though there are many accessories that are cheap to buy.
  • Put phone in OFFLINE mode. You don’t want it getting interrupted
  • If you’re not using this app and have something like the N95/N85 etc, turn the flash off. Might be worth taking autofocus off too, so put it in sport/landscape mode.


    Cheers Jumad for the heads up!


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    Category: Applications, Nokia, Symbian

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