

Nokia’s MeeGo Tablet makes cameo in TRON: Legacy? #Z500

| January 9, 2011 | 0 Comments

Czech Nokia blog, Nokia Mania (RTd by @Camb078!) seems to believe that Nokia’s upcoming MeeGo Tablet (check out their screencaps), known only right now as Z500 (boo what a crappy name). The existance was revealed by Eldar back in June who tweeted about the Z500 Nokia Tablet.  Later in November, it accidentally exposed itself on the Ovi Store. Now it has been suggested that the Z500 has made a cameo appearance in the recent block buster hit film: TRON: Legacy.


1.Nokia sponsored TRON: How much did Nokia LOVE Tron? Prior to the movie launch, it was Tron this and Tron that. Tron Trailer in EVERY N8 demoes – HDMI let’s show TRON in glorious 720p HD, Nseries blog being hacked by Tron (Canada’s Rogers YouTube Page taken over by Tron too – for N8), Big Tron and N8 trailer on the side of Nokia Theatre LA,Tron Apps, Give away for Tron movie Premiere. So product placement with Nokia’s N8 making a cameo in the film was an eventuality. But slyly, it may not have been the only new Nokia in that movie.

2. This wouldn’t be the first time Nokia’s put unannounced products in films. Remember the “first” touch screen phone from Nokia (ignoring 7700 and 7710 from 2003 and 2004 :p) the 5800? That highly anticipated touch screen made a first appearance in Batman: The Dark Knight.

There’s mentions (rumours!) that it has the display of the booklet 3G. So that’s 10″ with 1366*720. I actually sometimes wished I could just pick the display up off the booklet :p

Slim profile on the side

Oop – first glimpse of the screen. It’s quite big.

Double bezel, not just the black window that EVERYONE is going for.

AND now close up, close up!So, do you think this is a Nokia tablet secretly placed in the movie? Would you like a Nokia MeeGo Tablet?

Nokia Mania


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Category: MeeGo, Nokia, Rumours, Tablet

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