

Accessories: Nokia N8 Camera Tripod Stand

| January 29, 2011 | 0 Comments

N97 on DT-22 meand for N93 hence awkward sideways positioning all the time prior to this accessory

Here’s a must have accessory for any camera phone owner, and especially for Nokia N8 owners. It’s a phone holder that attaches to a tripod (any tripod with 1/4″ screw). You can pick something up like this for about £15. I got these cheap again on eBay for £2.50. I doubt they’d be the same quality (I hope not anyway for all that extra others are charging).

Anyway, this is what you get. N8 Not included.

This is the piece you really want. This is what holds your phone. It works with pretty much all sizes.

  • Pads at bottom to grip your phone but not scratch it
  • It moves at two places: There’s an arm that stretches sideways and another vertical one that has a spring in it to clamp down on the phone. The one moving sideways is to position your phone
  • Screw is at the bottom, underneath the spring arm.

Sorry I didn’t get a video to demo this. But you can imagine the N8 just being held in (and even sideways the N8 would stay in.

BTW, this would make a neat table stand for your phone: I have N900 on a shelf like this now.

So all you have to do is attach it to your tripod. Any will do. Here’s the standard provided mini tripod and a gorillapod.

More pics from gallery


Category: Accessories, Nokia

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