

MeeGo Ready: Intel teases MeeGo Smartphone and Tablet for MWC

| February 13, 2011 | 0 Comments

Just collecting a couple of the tips. Joshua has found a blog by a Nokia employee that says MeeGo is ready and that MeeGo Phone WILL come out.

Later this afternoon, ryzvonusef noticed that engadget has posted Intel’s little teaser on the MeeGo tablet and smartphone.

This tablet uses the MeeGo Tablet UI that really impressed us when first demoed last year. The handset is completely new to me. I don’t understand the presence of buttons (perhaps it’s a non-Nokia MeeGo phone)

There was so much hope falling behind MeeGo. The partnership with Intel gave it much oomph, but the backing of so many giants in the industry made this new OS very, very attractive. The last thing any of us really expected would be that one of the two founding parents would leave this true open source solution (which DOES have so much potential to succeed) and go over to the ‘dark side’ with Windows Phone. Engadget comments are cursing Nokia, which not usually an uncommon site, but it’s from folks who would previously defend Nokia. I can’t blame them. Friday’s news is still very hard to get over.

BTW, below is an unedited version of the Q&A. In reference to MeeGo, Nokia won’t be using MeeGo itself to find the next “disruption” but the team behind MeeGo who will be using it as a “learning” opportunity.



Category: MeeGo, Nokia, Windows Phone

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