

Video: Awesome Qt HTML5 demo on Nokia N8

| February 19, 2011 | 0 Comments

Jim sent this video in a couple of days ago (going through backlog of missed tips) and it shows Qt HTML5 interface.

  • Note the side scrolling menu with different layers for each object. i.e. you don’t just scroll like as if they’re a panoramic image. When the front bubbles move, the back bubbles move a little later. Nice, subtle effect. Quite different to just having the background move.
  • Demo of a game called jumping Norwegian (Accelerometer based)
  • HTML5 Canvas element – draw 3D graphics on the fly
  • CSS3 transitions – allows things to slide in, UI interfaces where things rotate. Demoed in a picture gallery
  • Bubbles demo to show sensor. Pressing the screen produces bubbles which are accelerometer movement dependent. i.e. just like real bubbles, they float to the top. Note how QUICKLY it’s doing this.
  • Compiled with Qt Technology 1.1SDK available now

Via Qt Blog


Category: Applications, Nokia, Video

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