

Video: Nokia N8 TV Ad Preview – Blind Photography

| February 21, 2011 | 8 Replies

When I first heard about this advert, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Photography for the most part, is a visual art – how could a blind person do it or appreciate their work? The video below is a preview of an upcoming UK TV advert and it shows how Gary Waite interprets photography with the Nokia N8. It’s actually not that odd of a concept. There are many sites, flickr groups dedicated to the art of photographers who are blind.

How can you use a camera if you can’t see? Gary Waite gives an example of his roller coaster shot – he felt confident he got the shot because of the sound of the rushing coaster. I don’t know if this is meant to suggest that even blind people can take stunning photos with a Nokia N8.

Oh btw, remember that advert I saw last week? The message comes up again: Nokia N8: The best smartphone camera. It’s supposedly part of a new, bolder marketing approach by Nokia.

Gary Waite explores his world through the camera lens, capturing the unnoticed whilst taking guidance from the sounds and feelings around him. Visually stunning, with perfect composition, his photographs show his interpretation of the sights and scenes of life – as despite being an avid photographer, Gary is completely blind.

Nokia’s latest advert follows Gary’s time in Blackpool as photographs the bustling crowds and glittering attractions of the seaside town with a Nokia N8. Get an exclusive first look on Facebook before it’s released during Coronation Street tonight.



Category: Nokia, Nseries, Video

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