

Video: Kasvopus Qt Facebook App for Symbian^3/Maemo 5 demoed on Nokia N900

| March 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

Yesterday we saw Kasvopus, a new project from Tommi Laukkanen that brings a very promising facebook client to Nokia Devices. The only one so far comes by way of the frighteningly bad Social App produced by NOKIA. There’s quite some potential with Kasvopus, hopefully it will receive more updates and more features, but for now it’s looking good, and pretty smooth.

Jumojn said:

This app is really fast simpel and easy to use !. Omg i hope this dude will make more apps in the future!

I’m sure Tommi will make more Qt apps. He’s becoming synonymous with classy, functional Qt Apps (TwimGo, NewsFlow, DoodleDrive<<built in a day)

You might have installation problems.  You’ll need to have Qt 4.7.2 installed on the N8.!/N8ws/status/42687648271319041

Jeep-e2 said:

…it works and it looks so much better than the original nokia social app!

After some more use, he has some constructive criticism for Tommi – which agrees that it’s good, has potential, but just needs more work:

Ok first impression, i can’t open message. no notification. no search, no add friend. i can post on someone status but cannot post on someone’s wall because i cannot go to his personal page. But it looks good and it’s very fluid, i hope there’s gonna be some update for this app, Tommy is on the good way


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Category: Applications, Maemo, Nokia, Nseries, Symbian, Video

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