

Nokia Reader 1.0.1 – a bug fix release for Symbian^3 devices

| March 9, 2011 | 7 Replies

From Nokia Beta Labs, RSS Nokia Reader has received an update to fix some bugs with version 1.0

  • Correction for the problems with Nokia account.
  • Improvements for the connectivity issues experienced with Nokia Reader version 1.0b.

How does Nokia Reader work?

Nokia Reader uses push notifications to deliver new content quickly. The backend server handles the frequent polling from your favorite sources and forwards the news to you.

The server also supports PubSubHubbub push protocol for RSS/Atom feeds. This enables content push all the way from content publishers to your mobile.

Cheers for the tip, fahoum!

How does Nokia Reader work?

Nokia Reader uses push notifications to deliver new content quickly. The backend server handles the frequent polling from your favorite sources and forwards the news to you.

The server also supports PubSubHubbub push protocol for RSS/Atom feeds. This enables content push all the way from content publishers to your mobile.


Category: Applications, Nokia, Symbian, Video

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