Ovi Store Updated to version 2.06.00042!
Woke up this morning to emails from Adam, Sameer and Giorgos (plus a tweet from vishal400) to tell us that Ovi Store got an update! Yay!(email to tips@mynokiablog.com – my twitter is @jaymontano)
You may have noticed it go down yesterday for a bit so this is why.
I had barely just gotten up so I stupidly unlocked my Omnia 7 instead of the N8 :S. Anyway, to get the update, just start up Ovi Store.
You’ll be prompted with “Update Now” to continue using Ovi Store to the new version 2.06.00042.
The update is 4.73 MB.
Giorgos says,
“It’s very Smooth”
Sameer says
“Don’t know what the changelog is, but it’s WAY faster now”
T-Mobile is being very slow this morning and so taking forever to download this for me. Will get back to you in a bit when I’m done.
update: Wow – ok it is really fast. Even better on a slower connection – loads up app info very quickly.
Category: Applications, Nokia, Nseries, OVI, Symbian
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