

New Symbian UI expected in Fall. This year.

| March 11, 2011 | 0 Comments

The new Symbian UI, previewed at MWC and afterwards shown in China on a Nokia N8. This is NOT PR2.0 but a firmware upgrade after that.

Maybe PR3.0 what is expected includes:

  • New Icons
  • Four Homescreens (at least)
  • Flexible Widgets
  • Pull Down status bar
  • All the stuff that came in pr2.0 presumably.

According to Engadget (tweeteted by Camb078)

“Nokia is targeting a major UI overhaul in the fall”

This means PR2.0 must appear before fall. :p Fingers crossed Nokia keeps their promises of “Early 2011”.

Hopefully we’ll see some awesome stuff coming from Nokia and Symbian. Maybe something amazing as suggested by the Product Manager from Three UK. New Products? We haven’t seen any new hardware leaks for Symbian^3 yet that could be a replacement for the Nokia N8. Perhaps Nokia is getting better at keeping a lid on their secrets?

I also hope that as mentioned today in another post, Symbian is not terminal and is NOT dead (though effectively it is in the eyes of the Media because of the poor way it was communitcated on Feb 11). Cheers aris for the tip

“We will of course utilise the long tail of Symbian as long as it gives us a profitable margin” – Nokia Chief Financial Officer

Keep using Symbian as long as it gives a profitable margin? I’m sure people will love the new products if they’re good enough. On hardware yes. On software? The New UI must prove itself. It’s a shame that due to the announcement, good people are walking away from Nokia as there’s a fear and uncertainty about developing for their platform. Hmm. It’s still a HUUUGE install base though. Obscenely large compared to Windows Phone which is our new alternative.

via Engadget


Category: Nokia, Symbian, Windows Phone

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