

Video: A little angry bird tells me something big is happening in Austin…

| March 12, 2011 | 16 Replies

Tipped by Yemi, a video on WOMWorldNokia’s youtube account, (also posted on says something BIG is happening – related to Angry Birds and Nokia at Austin Texas during SXSW.

When? 12th and 15th March, 9PM.

I wish my schedule was less packed as I could have brought the news to you directly. (Thanks again WOM for the invite! Sorry I couldn’t go.)

What do you reckon it could be? Angry Birds is the most iconic game on current smartphones. It’s what the sales rep in UK phone shops always try to demo to me when showing me the world of “Appszzz”. Nokia has had Angry birds for a while, so it’s not as big a news as say it coming to Windows Phone (reported around the web a while ago now).



Category: Applications, Games

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