

Video: Microsoft’s 234″ Touch Screen Windows Phone 7 Mango update demo

| March 31, 2011 | 4 Replies

Not sure if you’ve seen this yet but here’s Microsoft’s 234″ touch screen demo of the Mango Update for Windows Phone 7.

It’s interesting that at the very most, you can only interact with half the screen. Still cool though.

The Metro Themed presentation was designed by Stereolize:

A new touchscreen interface by stereolize.

Since we are renowned for technological innovations that we try to top year after year after year we also came up with something awe-inspiring this year.

The largest touch display in the world. 234″ of pure interactivity!!!
You can probably call it the world´s biggest mobile phone touch display.


There’s some other demoes below:

There’s nothing shown that wasn’t previously known about

via WMPoweruser


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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