Gallery: Nokia HQ Finland – Nokia clothing shop inside!
I love all things Nokia. I especially love things that are branded Nokia. I get jealous of seeing Nokia promo folk wearing Nokia shirts, Nokia clothing, Nokia hats, Nokia jackets etc. (I love my Ovi Bag and Nokia Umbrella, and the odd Nokia related shirts from WOMWorld)
I saw an ad this morning for “Nokia Shorts” and what with it being Spring/summery weather in UK (ish) I wanted some Nokia shorts. @m4tt (from TheNextWeb) tweeted back that there is a place that exists to acquire/buy such Nokia merchandise. At the heart of Nokia, Nokia HQ.
Posted just yesterday by Heidi is a brilliant sneak peek into Nokia HQ in Keilalahti, Espoo, Finland.
In addition to the office spaces, the building packs two cafeterias, a coffee shop, a post office, a laundry, a health clinic, a cashpoint, a gym, a shop that sells Nokia merchandise, as well as several saunas.
Jackets, bags, shirts – I hope they have Nokia branding on them! Heaven! But it’s in Finland and in Nokia HQ. Not somewhere where anybody can just pop into.
Check out that wall of Nokia. How many can you name? Did you ever get to use any of these? My fav is on 3rd row, column 4.
Pretty epic staircase. Very industrial looking. Cold and precise.
Punching room. :p I hear Job’s face gets printed on that punch bag. jk.
Fancy lounge for Nokia design folk. Is that an egg chair thing I see at the back?
Swanky waiting room before going into a meeting
Sauna. Do you reckon Elop and Ballmer might have sweated out the WP meetings here? :p
And the offices…cubicle time. Any unannounced phones or non Nokia in the picture? :p
Reception Area.
Frozen ship – Eldar’s spyboat.
Looks great. I hope the Nokia HQ in US, Silicone Valley is somewhat more modern looking, ALA google HQ.
Category: Nokia
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