

Video: Poken: NFC Technology using Nokia’s Qt SDK demoed on Nokia C7

| April 20, 2011 | 8 Replies

NFC business cards. I think we might have mentioned that before, somewhere. At least someone has in comments.

Anyway, in the video below you’ll see Poken. A way that gets around the paper business card and uses either these little characters (Pokens) or just tap another phone (with NFC of course). But it’s not just about business cards. Being NFC, you can collect any type of information.

Check out the restaurant situation, tap the menu and get the special deal of the day. No need for the restaurant to update their menu (though, sucks for those without NFC phones).

I think they mention development occuring in 6 weeks with 4 software engineers, 1 UI designer, 1 tester. Qt helped tie everything together nicely – main benefit of Qt being ease of developing. There’s something about the way Scott Tavelli talks – like he should also be recording meditation/relaxation audio mp3s/dvds.

In a previous post, we saw NFC and Angry Birds – unlocking levels. I’d like NFC used in shops (getting item data/price check/other stores with similar items/special offers/share with friends etc). Pair this up with some indoor navigation to direct you exactly where to pick up similar items. Transport payment/grocery payment/checking into work/school, ha. What do you see NFC being used for?



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Category: Applications, Nokia, Symbian, Video

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