

Speculating Nokia N9 design – What Nokia’s MeeGo Phone might look like…

| June 6, 2011 | 57 Replies

On Thursday, Stephen Elop showed us a very rectangular device that some sources speculated to be Nokia’s MeeGo phone.

According to HaugMedia, someone (on

A guy claiming to have the N9 consumer device over at the Maemo forums described how it looked and gave a little drawing of how the UI works. Later someone pitched in a better drawing trying to visualize it and he corrected the LED position, here’s the final result.

I guess you could say this was just interpreted from what Elop showed us. They do certainly look similar.

It might just be announced on June 21 for Nokia Connect. (That’s when the confidentiality on the RM-680 ends right? Nokia Conversations has also specifically said we’ll see more of Jesse’s girl in a few weeks)


Category: MeeGo, Nokia

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