

Microsoft releases Android to Windows Phone API mapping tool for developers

| June 10, 2011 | 7 Replies

In April, Microsoft released a tool to allow developers to map iOS APIs to Windows Phone should folks be interested in trying to make Windows Phone apps too.

You can check out the tool here

If you have been developing Android applications and are interested in building your applications for Windows Phone 7, this guide is for you.
The guide will cover what you need to know to add Windows Phone 7 development to your skill set, while leveraging what you have already learned building Android applications.

In addition, use the Android to Windows Phone API mapping tool to find your way around when you discover the Windows Phone platform.



I’m not a developer or technically inclined enough to understand, but from what I’m reading from those trying it out, Windows Phone is a great developer environment. Some see a little catch 22 at the moment where developers would like an environment with a lot of users, but to have a lot of users, some say you need tons of apps first to attract the crowd – and that would need developers to make that. Since October though there are already 20,000 apps (though other platforms have more, that’s quite a lot given the circumstances). Imagine how much more that will grow when Nokia unleashes Windows Phone with their scale of distribution.

If you have been developing Android applications and are interested in building your applications for Windows Phone 7, this guide is for you.
The guide will cover what you need to know to add Windows Phone 7 development to your skill set, while leveraging what you have already learned building Android applications.

In addition, use the Android to Windows Phone API mapping tool to find your way around when you discover the Windows Phone platform.


We included this video last time (iOS to Windows Phone) and it’s quite relevant here.

Sources: mobiletechworld via @qoyumnasri| thenextweb | windowsphone




Category: Windows Phone

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