

Nokia N9 the last MeeGo device?

| June 23, 2011 | 0 Comments

Finnish newspaper is reporting that Nokia’s CEO Stephen Elop has ruled out the possibility of coming back and producing another MeeGo phone, regardless if it is a success or not.

“But even on that phone sales would be a success, Nokia has no intention of coming back Meego  smartphone operating system, says CEO Stephen Elop”

Strictly speaking is the N9 full MeeGo? Is there a possibility to return to Maemo? What about future disruptions team, what are they working on?

When asked by Stefan on twitter on whether N9 is the last MeeGo device, Jussi Makinen (the guy behind and the one demoing the N9 officially) answered:

the innovations in design, UI, and the Qt developer experience in Nokia N9 will live on in a variety of ways in Nokia.


Category: MeeGo, Nokia

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