

Nokia N950 Dismantled – internal/external photos of disassembled Developer MeeGo Phone (12MP Carl Zeiss confirmed)

| June 25, 2011 | 1 Comment

Avert your eyes, we’re going into the geeky-dissection room to slice open the Nokia N950. This is the official disassembly for the FCC (expect more to come later as folks piece it apart). BL-4D battery, less capacity than the N9. I guess devs don’t mind and would be closer to power source more often than typical N9 user 😀

It looks like those old plastic army toy soldiers frame thing from early 90s/late 80s

External N950 photos are available too

As seen in the teaser, this has 12 mp. The N950 info page was a bit coy in saying N9 and N950 had similar image quality, both being able to produce 8MP pictures. Well N950 does this by lowering the resolution by 4MP.


What a gorgeous looking thing



If you’re a developer, check out this post on how you can get your free N950 devkit

THE n950 Manual:

Full document here

Cheers alee for reminder!


Category: MeeGo, Nokia, Nseries

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