

Video: 17 Minutes with the Nokia N950 (Preview of the MeeGo-Harmattan Developer Device)

| June 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

He’s a hands on with the ‘other’ MeeGo-Harmattan device, the QWERTY keyboard, 12mp sporting Nokia N950. It’s just for developers folks so it’s not something we’ll be seeing any time soon (or at all) unless ‘you know someone who knows someone’. It is somewhat of great frustration for the Maemo fans who have long been expecting a N900 successor, complete with all the N950 goodness of QWERTYkeyboardness.

  • The log in screen of the breathing, pulsing Nokia logo. NICE! Is this a custom boot animation? There’s no Nokia hands.
  • Pinch zooming in multitasker also smooth
  • Gallery opening from camera is nice and quick (was it open already?) It would be nicer and more fitting if it did the Windows Phone action of just swiping the viewfinder to see all your other photos. It’s very natural (and something my friends kept trying to do on N8 after taking a photo and always getting confused)
  • No demo with keyboard (though not much would be seen as landscape view is limited)
  • Ovi Maps panning looks a lot smoother here – with even bouncy kinetic swipes. Even with the 3D stuff.  The first official MeeGo-Harmattan demo with Jussi and N9 was so laggy, and even some later hands on, but this one looks really smooth on N950
  • The allusive facebook. It looks like Kasvopus. Note, you do get facebook in that all in one feed thing at the homescreen.

  • Love what they’ve done with settings (seen before with N9 screenshots)



Related Nokia N950 posts

Source: NuuNeol (translated)

via SlashPhone via : Engadget Via @MichaelxHell


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Category: MeeGo, Nokia

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