

The Maemo-MeeGo Family

| July 22, 2011 | 34 Replies

We live for the N9



Here’s a cute little family posted by MeeGo Experts. The Maemo Family. The N950 can be included in that due to the Harmattan (Maemo 6) heritage.

All of these then can be considered as the Pre-Step 5 of the Maemo Journey, culminating in the missing family member – the one that’s not jut for geeks but for the mass market.

Were you ever lucky enough to play with any of these?

I have a N800 Internet Tablet myself. That was a revelation to use the internet on a 4.13″ 800X480 screen back in 2007 when everything else was QVGA and NON touch!

The N900 of course has a place in a lot of Nokia fans hearts. To this day it is still a blinder of a phone, so fantastic, it is a testament to the BRILLIANCE of the Maemo 5 team. And whilst N900 did not sell much, it was an INCREDIBLE phone. It sales has no bearing on the sheer awesomeness of MicroB and that desktop class multitasking. Man, imagine if they weren’t seduced to the Intel-MeeGo thing. We’d certainly have N9 Maemo 6 by last year already. We’d already have our Step 5 of 5. Oh well. Thanks to that some how taking so long, we’re now on the extremely polarising direction of Windows Phone. Perhas it had to be. Do you think Nokia would have ever come up with something as cool as Swipe? (Remember the early Nokia MeeGo UI was canned and redesigned into a more innovative Swipe)


Sources given: @sjgadsby via @cybette via MeeGoExperts


Thanks for the tip, Adan!


Category: Maemo, MeeGo, Nokia, Nseries

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