

Rumour: Super-Nokia Camera Phone next year, Nokia 700 Belle in September.

| August 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

We received an email sent in by long time reader and super Symbian-Fan Ninja, who’s friends apparently with one of the senior staff at one of the UK’s mobile networks . No revealing details mentioned of course for anonymity’s sake. So take this all as rumours, actually not too far out if you take a read.

He’s passed on some details of the conversation related to Nokia developments, which in their line of work, they’d be familiar with (such as upcoming handsets).

Here goes:

  • Belle will be out by September in the UK in the form of the Nokia 700. This shouldn’t be too much of surprise given the Nokia 700 passed FCC last month. That of course belongs to a family of four upcoming Symbian handsets, one of which, the Nokia 500 was announced last week. September for the Nokia 700 therefore seems quite a possibility.
  • Of their opinion, Belle is good. Apparently they also like Windows Phone Mango. They also apparently blame the Symbian failure to Elop’s Feb 11 announcement (really?:p).
The big bit –
  • Next year we will see a new phone with “an incredible camera”. It’s supposedly very impressive and will put Nokia way ahead in the camera stakes.
  • Note, there are several rumours regarding a N8 successor – currently the best camera on any phone to date. The first suggested a N8-01 symbian successor, but since the WP partnership, the rumours suggested a Nokia WP with N8 like optics, as now WP will gain all the Nokia high end stuff next year. Remember too that Elop has been saying that what we’ve seen from the N8 is just a FRACTION of what they’ve got at the Nokia Labs, and in interview, he mentions getting these great things from Labs out onto the market. Addition – as mentioned in comments – remember “True Zoom” – direct from Nokia.
  •  What OS will this handset be? Well we’re not sure. It wasn’t said for definite. Ninja thinks it’s Symbian (though he would :p). What has been discussed before is that Nokia’s high end WP devices won’t be appearing until next year (would that be this one with the super cam?) Nokia’s best work, as Ninja reminds us of Elop’s words, will be on Windows Phone from now on.
  • Ninja doesn’t want to reveal anything too specific with the camera capabilities as he says this might undermine Nokia’s efforts, or send info to competitors (loong before such things area ready, and by heck, this is Nokia, so it’ll be a while folks :p). Apparently it’s not just the specifications that are exciting, but the implementation of certain features of the camera hardware.



Category: N8 Successor, Nokia, Rumours, Symbian, Windows Phone

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