

Importance of MS-Nokia partnership more clear than ever after MotoGoog – Elop

| August 18, 2011 | 101 Replies


On Monday, Google told the world of their plans to buy Motorola Mobility to Supercharge (get patents for) the Android platform.

At the time Nokia responded (along with the other Android manufacturers) to say:

“This further reinforces our belief that opportunities for the growth of Nokia’s smartphone business will be greatest with Windows Phone. This could prove to be a massive catalyst for the Windows Phone ecosystem. Additionally, with our respective intellectual property portfolios, Nokia and Microsoft are working together to build and nurture an innovative ecosystem that benefits consumers, operators, developers and other device manufacturers.”


Reuters reports that yesterday, Stephen Elop said at a Helsinki seminar:

If I happened to be someone who was an Android manufacturer or an operator, or anyone with a stake in that environment, I would be picking up my phone and calling certain executives at Google and say ‘I see signs of danger ahead,

(and later).

The very first reaction I had was very clearly the importance of the third ecosystem and the importance of the partnership that we announced on February 11, it is more clear than ever before

Much of the blogosphere has been speculating the TRUE responses of the Android manufacturers to the news that their Google chief is now in a position to provide the full android experience all on their own. There are possibly raised concerns of preferential treatment for Motorola.

Could this drive worried Droid makers more to the Windows Phone camp?

Does such an action justify Nokia going to Windows Phone and not Android (on top of all the other reasons Nokia had stated before). What position would Nokia be in if 1) Motorola had been acquired or 2) Nokia acquired?

You might think, “isn’t this exactly the same with the Windows Phone guys? Nokia getting preferential treatment?”.

Well for one thing, Microsoft doesn’t own Nokia. (Yet -_< heh) Another thing, Nokia are putting much more effort into shaping the future of Windows phone than any other manufacturer; the assets Nokia brings include services, patents, brand recognition, and unparalleled distribution. But couldn’t Microsoft just go ahead and buy Nokia? Well, as many point out, including Microsoft expert, Mary Jo Foley, Microsoft doesn’t need to. They have what they need from Nokia. However, as later updated, Microsoft may just buy Nokia to prevent someone else (e.g. Samsung – however difficult that would be) from doing so.

Thanks to the folks who sent this in!


Category: Nokia

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