

Poll: Submit Name idea for Nokia series of Windows Phone (USA) asks Chanse from Nokia

| August 30, 2011 | 0 Comments

I saw @ChanseArrington, (Head of Developer Marketing – North America – Nokia.) ask on twitter:

“New Names or Submit your own idea! -> Poll: What should Nokia call their series of Windows Phones in the US?

Wow, does this mean that in addition to the new numbers convention, as begged, Nokia may also award their phones (at least a high end or a series/family of devices) with a much more memorable name? Chanse may just be playing around or it could be something put into real action.

Nokia’s push for North America relies now entirely on Nokia Windows Phone. Some serious muscle is needed to get back here and change their image around the world  too. An important area is branding/naming.

For USA at least the series of Nokia Windows Phones may get a branding in addition to Nokia Numbers (the naming scheme of just 3 digits). One that can live on and grow reputation and recognition. With numbers you just forget them after they’re gone. With a brand, it lives on and accumulates fans. Like N95 and N95 8GB did, like iPhone series, like Galaxy Series, Evo Series, iPhone, Optimus etc. Note that yes, this is something like Nseries but unfortunately, Nokia wrecked this by introducing too many lack lustre craptastic devices that just weakened the Nseries branding. See here again for our old rant on naming Nokias. Nseries is no more. We need something new.


Chanse has put up a poll which you can view on the link (hopefully you can see it embedded below). There are 56 votes thus far, with the majority voting for “Other”.

What should Nokia call their series of Windows Phones in the US? (Ex. Apple=iPhone / Samsung=Galaxy / HTC=HD / Android=Droid)

Options are:

1) Fusion (No way, it reminds me of Fusion Garage and that TabCo crap farce)

2) Genesis (In the beginning…)

3) Phoenix (Nokia rising out of the Ashes? Also the flashing software :p)

4) EZ (WTF?)

5) Elite (pretentious much?)

6) Challenger (sounds like a car)

7) Suggest own name

8) Other (I think this is number 7, but poll daddy always adds “other” by default)

As noted, most votes are actually for 6)/7) so far. I’m liking Phoenix the most. There’s something a little feminine about it though (Bird/female/Jean Grey). NEXUS branding would have been cool because those spelt out the current (and planned) mini brands. Nseries, Eseries, Xseries, Cseries (rotated 90degrees left), and Super Sseries. NEXUS is a series of Connections. Nokia is Connecting People. Shame freaking Google took NEXUS.

There was another discussion post before on possibilities of ION/NIO. ION series. NIO series? Nokia Nio 4G, Nokia NIO 3D?

Going back to the “connection” idea, we could call it BOND :P. Bond, Nokia Bond. Connecting people. :p Hmmm…

What would you vote for? Do you have some better name suggestions? (I’m already anticipating the insult names from the WP doubters/haters)

Update: Please leave serious suggestions. If you have something non-constructive, it may be better left elsewhere.

[polldaddy poll=5450687]


Category: Nokia, Poll, Rant, Windows Phone

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]