

Nokia Teases Windows Phone SeaRay in Ringtone video

| September 5, 2011 | 0 Comments
This teaser of Nokia’s N9 looking SeaRay Windows Phone is almost as official as when Stephen Elop himself first outed the thing.


At the end of the Nokia Ringtone history video  as kunwar pointed out, seen in the previous post, you’ll see a N9 looking phone, sexy in pink, with a massive tile touch screen. Now MeeGo-Harmattan isn’t tiles. That’s Windows Phone.


Then here are the old Nokias, staring in awe.
Now this could have been done completely with just a face like all the other phones. The tiles were not needed, but they were there because Nokia specifically wanted to show off Windows Phone is coming to Nokias too (as well as a new ringtone)
Looks like N9…Looks like N9…oh no there’s tiles. This is a very Super Hero Saviour image they’re trying to present here. That or scary.
Ringtone competition ends 2011, but they’ll be put on phones in 2012 (which with other handsets would sell over 100 million apparently)
Could be SeaRay, could alternatively be the Nokia 703 (that looks like SeaRay but is NOT the same phone)

Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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