

Video: Photo Browser 2.0 demoed on Nokia N8, available at Ovi Store

| September 7, 2011 | 14 Replies


Do you remember that cool looking app called Nokia Photo Browser? It made S60 and S60 5th devices look extremely modern with that cooliris like photo browsing experience.  from has a demo of Nokia Photo Browser 2.0 on the Nokia N8 which is available at Ovi Store. (Note: not from Nokia, but looks a lot like that Nokia app)

  • Tilts when scrolling
  • It has that nice magnifying glass mode when you long press
  • I don’t think camb078 showed it, but it should have face detection feature. When you double tap on a face, you centre in on just faces and you can swipe left or right to the next face. Update: camb078 tweeted me to say it has no face detection 🙁 hmm nevermind. It is pretty slick looking. 
  • Not sure if this works instantly or needs some time to collect all the pictures on your phone like the old photo browser. (Well, even the gallery asks to refresh media every now and again) Update: Camb078 says it took 40 minutes to get his 1000 photos. Well once you’ve done that the successive pics taken won’t take long.
Get it from Ovi Store:


Category: Applications, Nokia, Symbian

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