

Intel looking for Partner to help with MeeGo: Samsung won’t buy but will have MeeGo devices.

| September 9, 2011 | 32 Replies

Last week, there were some news that Intel may be temporarily dropping support for MeeGo. Shortly afterward though they said that they were still committed. Today on PhoneArena,  Intel reaffirmed this but added that they are looking for help with MeeGo.

We will continue. It’s just a question of who is going to help us shape that.

Intel, via PhoneArena

On a similar story, some days ago, there were rumours that Samsung may possibly be interested in investing heavily into MeeGo by buying it.

 SlashGear and CNet report that is not going to be the case.

“Meego is an open-source project which cannot be a target of acquisition”

Samsung Rep, via CNet

However, Samsung will still be using MeeGo as part of their devices portfolio.
Sources: PhoneArena, CNet,  SlashGear


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