

PocketLint’s Nokia Lumia 800 Review – “Hot Product – Nokia is back.”

| November 7, 2011 | 16 Replies

When I collected up some Nokia Lumia Reviews, I seem to have missed this one from PocketNow (or perhaps it came after?)

Anyway, here’s Pocket Lint’s Nokia Lumia 800 review.

It gains the coveted “Hot Product” rating, despite the niggles which they say are just that – niggles. They’d like to see things like NFC and Front Facing cameras in future Lumia handsets, but it’s not necessary in this particular product.

Again, as we’ve commented and discussed before – the importance right now is to deliver that refined package of exquisite hardware design, paired with solid OS that performs the core smartphone features expected wonderfully. It might miss out on feature X or Y or Z, but they don’t significantly impact the usability of the device for majority of handset (e.g. some Nokia hating ‘analyst’ declaring lack of pentaband or FFC of utmost regression and fatal error).

  •  It’s a phone that will evoke fond memories, a phone that makes using your phone fun, and a phone that you will be keen to show off again and again.
  •  seems to shine more here than it does on other Windows Phone 7-powered handsets
  • Nokia is BACK!
  • 4.5 stars (out of 5)

Other reviews to check out:

Seems like it’s getting a positive review from various places. Is the Lumia 800 actually the very decent smartphone Nokia hopes it to be? Or are ALL these guys just setting their integrities aside, accepting bribes and posting positive Nokia things (the extent of the conspiracy theorists knows no boundaries).

Nokia Lumia 800 isn’t a hero device just yet. Clearly, that’s obvious given the 8xx ranking. But it does cover the bases it needs to right now as indicated by all of these positive reviews.

Now we just need more and better in future line up. This is all refreshing the identity of Nokia once again. It can be done. Just make one great product, after another, after another. Easier said than done but definitely possible. Once the Nokia image is sorted, it’ll be much easier to revive Nokia’s own platforms.


Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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