

Video: Nokia Lumia 800 Uncovered: Drive

| November 7, 2011 | 25 Replies


In between lectures right now, so can’t hear what’s being said in this video. Hmm…probably for the best. :p

Here’s Nokia Drive in action, from leaving London ExCeL heading off to the London Eye. Just start it (possibly from the tiles) find where you want to go, click navigate. The view switches to the sat nav mode which can be further optimised for driving if the phone is in landscape.

The second in a series of in depth videos looking at the Nokia Lumia 800 and some of it’s best features: This one is all about Nokia Maps on Nokia Lumia – specifically the Nokia Drive feature.

This was recorded from the Excel right up to getting to the London Eye. We actually saw the London Eye as a 3D landmark on Nokia Drive first before seeing it outside. That was kinda weird.

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Category: Nokia, Windows Phone

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