

Rumours resurface: Nokia N8 Camera successor, Symbian, WVGA, Spring 2012.

| November 9, 2011 | 0 Comments

We’ve been following news of the supposed N8 successor for a long while. Already around April fools, we heard of some 14mp  qHD N8-01 that of course never surfaced.

An N8 successor though is completely out of the question. We know Nokia is working on something called True-Zoom (something they had mentioned) and earlier in August, we heard rumours of this possibly in the works with Symbian. Note, that additional rumours from the same source was true – 700 was available as predicted in September (all before 700 was even launched).

Later, some rumours with less substance came up, the 801.

Anyway, history refresh done, rumour-mill begins again on the N8 camera successor, coming by way of unwiredview.


  • bigger camera sensor (not sure about resolution),
  • optical zoom,
  •  3.5” WVGA Clear Black display with Gorilla Glass,
  • 1GHz CPU, 512MB
  • Symbian
What’s interesting here is WVGA, 800X480. That brings it back up to the resolution of the internet tablets (N900, N800 etc) and of course, Windows Phone.
When is this appearing? Well at MWC most likely. We know there’ll be more Nokia Windows Phones announced. Nokia have said they’re coming to MWC in a BIG way in 2012. Flagship Nokia Lumias in the 9 series? (Oh just to repeat from yesterday, Verizon apparently already announcing some NWP during CES, though not sure if they are new handsets or Lumia 800/700 for Verizon). Even though Nokia is putting a lot of effort into Windows Phone handsets, Symbian is still going to get a lot of attention from Nokia in 2012. As such, rightly or wrongly, Symbian may be powering the camera flagship again for Nokia in 2012. At the very least, I’d like a variant on Windows Phone, since that is the Nokia platform to be scrutinized the most.

N8 to this day over 1 year on is still the best camera you can get on any phone.  That’s a testament to Nokia’s brilliance in imaging, but we should always be striving to be better. We really need Nokia to step up again with N8 because what’s currently representing Nokia now in camera is the N9 and 800, neither of which can really pull off the magic of the N8.

Source: unwiredview


Cheers Mapantz and Aymen for the tip!



Category: N8 Successor, Nokia, Rumours, Symbian

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