

Bloomberg’s quick look at the Nokia Lumia 800, “sleek, fast and fluid”

| December 5, 2011 | 0 Comments

Once the undisputed biggest names in mobile, Bloomberg takes a look at the newest products from Motorola (previously number 1 until Nokia displaced them in 1998) and Nokia (still number 1 though contenders nipping at the knees, with smartphone crown now with Samsung for Q3).

Jaroslovsky says the dimensions of the Lumia are similar to an iPhone but they look nothing alike, with curvy screen giving a sleek shape with a polycarbonate body making it feel solid without making it feel heavy.

In operation it’s “fast and fluid” with a bright screen with a decent battery life.

They note that the camera is only OK which is disappointing compared to what we’ve seen from Nokia in the past ‘that were truly awesome’ (too spoilt with the N8).

The biggest shortcoming of the Nokia Lumia 800? The front facing camera. That’s awesome if that’s the biggest fault they can find on it.

Then they talk about the new RAZR from Moto. They note at the end it’s nice they don’t look like other phones. Nice ideas with tapered edges Motorola. I wonder who else tried to differentiate from the iClones and went with tapered edges? Anyone?

Note, the RAZR is Motorola’s top of the line range. The 800 isn’t Nokia’s flagship.

 Bloomberg’s Rich Jaroslovsky reviews Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc.’s Droid Razr and Nokia Oyj’s Lumia 800. Until Apple Inc. rewrote the rules, Nokia and Motorola were two of the biggest names in wireless phones. Now both are attempting to recapture a little past glory. (Source: Bloomberg)




Category: Lumia, Nokia, Video

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