

Why Album art disappears sometimes in Symbian – and how to fix it!

| December 7, 2011 | 16 Replies


David seems to have found the answer in ID3 v2.3 tags – specifically the inability of the music player in Nokias to read 2.4 and so not producing the album art.

The process is simple – move your music from your phone to computer (if you have no other back up). Convert all the tags to ID3 2.3. Refresh your phone so it cannot see any music. Put your music back.

David has posted a detailed guide if you’re stuck anywhere:

It’s an interesting read to as how he actually came about the solution in the first place.

If you don’t want to do that, you could try as mentioned, CoverUp at Nokia Store (£3.00)

Thanks Fontana Masugan for the tip!


Category: How to:, Nokia, Symbian

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