

New software at Navifirm, new Belle (incoming for Nokia N8/C7), New Lumia, white N9 with almost global country variants

| December 12, 2011 | 44 Replies


Jill has been checking out Navifirm and has noted the following changes:

  • Belle version upgraded on Navifirm for all 3 .. Nokia 700, Nokia 701 & Nokia 603 to 111.30.609
  • Lumia 800 upgraded to 1600.2479.7740.11451
  • Nokia N9 White now visible on Navifirm with almost all country variants !

Nokia’s pulling their socks up with all of these updates.

In related news, NokNok, a Nokia powered/funded blog (so they’re a lot more careful with what gets published) has put up an article for the Nokia C7 and Nokia N8 saying that Belle is incoming. It’s a bit soon if the rumours claimed of February is what they’re referring to. Could we still get it this Christmas? (No, “With updates on the way early in the New Year, “)

Damn, my N8 didn’t make it long enough to get the beautiful belle. 



Cheers Jill and Laura Magdayao for the tip



Category: Firmware Update, Maemo, MeeGo, Nokia, Symbian, Windows Phone

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