

Justin Angel giving away 5 Nokia Lumia 800 handsets to homebrew devs that need them!

| December 13, 2011 | 2 Replies

Remember new Nokia Recruit, Justin Angel? He emailed us that he’s giving away 5 Nokia Lumia 800 handsets.

Here they are (5 +1, that’s Justin’s). These are from Justin, not from Microsoft or Nokia and he’ll be deciding who gets them. What’s he looking for? Read on….

Look at what hacks some people can achieve with the Nokia Lumia 800.

Justin Angel’s goal is to give away 5 Nokia Lumia 800 handsets (unlocked) to homebrew devs who need them and would use them for possibly

  • Porting existing homebrew apps/features/hacks to Nokia Lumia 800.
  • Creating new Nokia Lumia specific homebrew apps/features/hacks.
  • Anything else that you can convince Justin makes sense.

“I want one of these free phones, what’s next?” 
Respond to this forum post with the following information:

  1. What will you use the Nokia Lumia 800 for? (see the aforementioned list of goals)
  2. Up to 3 links (+ explanation) showing that you have the previous experience required to meet your development goal.
  3. Anything else you think will help you get one of the Lumia 800 phones.

More details and fine print (HEAD OVER TO

  • I’m the one giving away phones, not any previous or future employer of mine.
  • I’ll choose who gets the phones and I’ll do so at my own discretion. I’m under no obligation to anyone about anything. It’s mine, my own, my precious.
  • Twitter proof this is a Justin Angel Genuine Offerâ„¢ @!/JustinAngel/s…62884024385537

  • Picture of the fabled phones @ 6th phone in this picture is now my personal phone and it’s awesome)
  • Recipients of this give-away will be announced on xdaforums, and via private message asking for contact details.
  • The giveaway ends when submissions have tapered off. At minimum that’ll be on 23/12/2011.
  • If giving you a 700$ phone isn’t OK under your local laws (e.g. government employees) please don’t submit your name.
  • This giveaway is available world-wide. However if you live outside the USA, I’ll need to figure out how to ship the phones to you, so it’ll take a little longer.
  • If you can’t comment on this forum (XDA) due to the 10+ minimum posts, you can email your details to me directly at

So go on ahead to! Show us some cool stuff you would and could do with a Nokia Lumia 800


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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Hey, thanks for reading my post. My name is Jay and I'm a medical student at the University of Manchester. When I can, I blog here at and tweet now and again @jaymontano. We also have a twitter and facebook accounts @mynokiablog and Check out the tips, guides and rules for commenting >>click<< Contact us at tips(@) or email me directly on jay[at]