

Rumours flare up as ‘analyst’ reignites Microsoft buying Nokia smartphone division rumours. Nokia says not true.

| December 14, 2011 | 60 Replies

Why? If you’re following the blogosphere right now, the rumours have sparked up all over again that Microsoft are looking to buy Nokia’s smartphone division according to analysts at Danske Bank.

Nokia Spokeman, Doug Dawson quashed the rumours by email saying, “We put these rumors to rest a long time ago”.

You’d be tired too if you had to keep denying the same rumours. Others are comparing the unlikelihood of the Nokia-MS partnership, saying such an unlikely thing as Nokia selling their smartphone division could now be possible. Just recently there were looking to sell off Vertu.

How ever stupid or likely this sounds, Nokia have already said it would make no sense since they’re already in a strategic partnership. Microsoft already have what they need from Nokia WITHOUT buying anything. Google buying Moto in the eyes of Nokia and MS was seen to be bad for other manufacturers.

Why would Nokia or Microsoft need to drop the ball now that Nokia can show that if you package WP up correctly, i.e. Lumia, people will like and love it.

How could anyone trust Nokia or Microsoft should this happen at all? I sure hope they’ve got opticians at Nokia as the board might be ever so short sighted. Some might say that about the swift culling of Symbian and MeeGo (though the true extent and story behind that remains to be known whether it was really too costly and development too slow). Do they just want a fast and quick exit so don’t really care about the future of Nokia?

Or are we falling for the humorous analysts again? Analysts that take it upon themselves to call the doom of a phone within 6 days of sales, and not really just sales but based on google trends, yet are proven wrong by strong sales and being sold out?

Cheers Antti for the tip!



Category: Nokia

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