

Chris Weber: Why Lumia’s a hit (+more lumia on other US carriers, with many more announcements in coming months)

| December 20, 2011 | 148 Replies

President of Nokia US, Chris Weber is on Nokia Conversations explaining why Lumia’s a hit.

  • Differing from competition with that clear black display, Nokia Drive, Nokia Music and Nokia’s amazing industrial design (plus WP is different to iOS/Android)
  • He talks a lot of the great things in WP. I think he should stick to talking about Lumia.
  • Nokia maps and ESPN huge apparently. “There will be exciting announcement and additions in the near future, but I can’t say more now.”

The most revealling is the last portion:

I can say that we have been talking to a number of carriers and we’ve been astounded at their overwhelming support. We will be launching more phones on other carriers. The Lumia 710 is the start of a portfolio of products aimed at the United States.

We like to call our Windows Phone Portfolio rollout “rolling thunder”. What this means is that we will have numerous announcements spread throughout the coming months that will offer something for everyone.  In our view, this is a marathon, not  a sprint, and we anticipate being a major player in the US market by this time next year.

Source:  Nokia Conversations

Cheers mrprince for the tip!


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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