

PR1.2 Nokia N9 update screenshots and changelog. App folders, video call and much more!

| January 11, 2012 | 0 Comments


It was late November when we last saw some PR1.2 screenshots. Here are some more! I think they got the firmware update from Navifirm? (which some folks have said has some new N8 updates? I’ve not looked into that as I’m supposed to be revising and don’t have time to check around. I really shouldn’t be writing this up, ha). The screenshots come from tamerbatar from TMO.

Finally you guys can make use of the front facing camera. Yes video calls are coming. The camera improvements talked about in the last screenshot leak is confirmed as well as many more stuff.

Check out those folders. It has been a Nokia thing having folders. I know the implementation would now resemble iPhone by showing the little mini icons, but do remember, Nokia’s always had folders. I hope organising them is much simpler than Symbian.

We’ve also got some in browser copypaste goodness. It’s a little more Nokia Windows phone like with those brackets. This time it works in browser. I like the way N9 does copy highlighting but it’s more precise to have brackets.


Thanks Jens, Morpog, Ermik  and Anssi for the tip!


Category: Maemo, MeeGo, Nokia

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