

fMobi updated with tons more new features! Already eyeing up even more speed improvements in next version.

| January 13, 2012 | 0 Comments

fMobi now lists 18 changes for the v2.5, from things like background customization of the menu, chat notification and refined icons to belle style dialogue boxes. And there is so much more!

I suggest checking fMobi’s full blog post that details them along with screenshots.

There’s tons of new features right? Lots of refinement to. There’s also some information the next version of fMobi will be a little late. This is due to plans of optimizing fmobi to reduce resource usage. Whilst already fast, fMobi will become even faster in the next version.

The next version of fMobi will be little late. We have planned to optimize the app and reduce resource usage further. fMobi is already fast but we are going to make it faster and better in the next version.

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Category: Applications, Nokia, Symbian

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