Leak: Windows Phone 8 preview – Apollo uncovered
Pocket Now seems to have got details on the upcoming Windows Phone 8 (the next major update after Tango) to which MS guru Paul Thurott has confirmed several details. Such details originating apparently from Joe Belfiore, intended ONLY for partners at Nokia.
Here are some of the interesting features:
- Appearing around the time Windows Phone market place is expected to reach 100,000 apps. Given the rate of growth you might be able to estimate around when this might be.
- Opera Mini like browsing – page compression sever side reducing page bandwidth by about 30%?
- Multicore support
- Multiple resolution support, 4 different ones apparently.
- Removable microSD
- Tap share capabilities between platforms – laptops, desktops, tablets and phones all sharing the same content.
- Camera UI to be revamped – at manufacturer’s choice. There’s something called lens app that will allow manufacturers to skin the camera app to their liking, noting features such as burst mode and smile detection as an example by Belfiore. Now Nokia has an amazing camera UI in the N9. There could be some easy metro translations. Camera UI on WP pretty much sucks for the most part EXCEPT the whole taking pictures and immediately viewing your gallery with a swipe. I’ll give them credit on that, but everything else needs to be worked on and this is great to know Nokia could (without new API to cause fragmentation) modify the camera aspect to be as good as their known standard.
- App to app communication between Windows 8 and Windows Phone 8 apps.
- Native code support for more powerful apps and easier porting of iOS/Android apps. Perhaps Qt too eh?
- W8 and WP8 will share more than just the UI allowing devs to reuse more of their code.
- WP8 Xbox companion app has a version/’partner client’ for W8
- Skype
- Local Scout with real time personalised recommendations
- Sky Drive integration
- Data notification of consumption
- Native Bitlocker encription
I’m sure we’ll hear that it’s still missing certain things. We don’t know that yet as we don’t know the full details of everything coming to WP8. But just in case, what do you find is missing?
Sources:Â Pocket Now/Â Paul Thurott
Cheers all for the tip!
Category: Nokia, Windows Phone
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