

Nokia Lumia 710 sold out at Vodafone Portugal. (Lumia 800 top WP of Europe?)

| February 10, 2012 | 10 Replies

According to Vodafone Portugal, the Nokia Lumia 710 is sold out. As usual, a note with these things is that they aren’t precise indicators of sales, but it could be showing some good demand.,1&modelo=Nokia+Lumia+710+Preto&src=CV

Cheers Peter for the tip!

BTW, Whilst we’re here, there was some reports by WMPU  (Source: kaalus)of the Nokia Lumia 800 being the most used Windows Phone in Europe. This was extrapolated from Survival Craft’s game data,  (Lumiappaday #47 – which I’m sure has no significant effect on more Nokia users being in use of that app). The developer notes that the Lumia 800 in a couple of months has raced passed the original WP devices that have been out for over a year. The 710 is shy of the top 10 here but that only really became available mid-late January.

The sharp rise of the Lumia isn’t such an obvious phenomenon in USA where Nokia Lumia handsets are still new (with 900 yet to be released).

Some good comments from the developer’s page. The top ranking handsets in US are apparently coming from AT&t, T-Mob is carrying the Lumia 710. Is that an important factor? The 900 could then certainly benefit from AT&t’s reach. Also – are US buyers governed by budget or by what takes their fancy (and if it’s WP, their best options on paper might be Focus Flash, Titan or the upcoming 900 – not the 710 and of course not the 800 which cannot be bought on contract in the US).



Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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