

Lumiappaday #90: Implode! demoed on the Nokia Lumia 800 #XboxLive

| February 13, 2012 | 0 Comments

Implode is a demolition puzzle game where you have to bring down the building (varies per level) below a set height (or even lower if you wish) with some explosives.

The game looks like you’re working with blueprint (though the background is green) so you’ve got some basic structures drawn. To place bombs/dynamite, just drag them over to a beam. Press the plunger to explode them. Once pressed you can no longer add any more so make sure you place them in the right areas to reach below the line.

However, if you fail, you can just try again (move existing explosives around perhaps or add more). You get points and higher scores if you use less explosives (and destroy more of the structure below the line). Being an Xbox Live title, you will earn achievement points (Gamerscore) with certain achievements. I think I manage to come across 2 or 3 so far (but not shown in video).

The game even has a level editor mode in case the 100 levels aren’t enough. BTW the levels are split into zones, which do progressively get harder and add more elements (such as making sure falling beams don’t smash the glass of adjacent buildings?)

Fun game, I think I bought it on the cheap when they had an offer but it’s still at a decent £2.29. Simple and enjoyable.

#90) Implode!

Price: £2.29 (with Try before you buy option)





Developer Blurb:

This game is a blast! You are tasked to carefully plant limited dynamite bundles in order to demo obsolete structures. Sounds easy enough, right? WRONG! Implode! is a classic “easy to learn, hard to master” casual game that will pull you in and won’t let go. Features:


+ More than 100 dynamite levels

+ Create your own levels

+ Reactive UI, touch and drag control options

+ Fun chalkboard theme and clean graphics

+ Different types of bombs: traditional, blast, directional, delayed, blackhole and more.

+ Varying structure shapes for ongoing challenge

+ Grading system for high scores adding replayability to each level

+ 3 Difficulties; Casual, Veteran, and Expert

+ In-level help system: Learn as you play!

+ Watch buildings tumble with real physics!


Design: 9

Usability: 9

Performance: 10

Price: 9


Category: Applications, Lumiappaday, Nokia, Video, Windows Phone, XboxLive

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