

Facebook for Windows Phone updated, update available for your Nokia Lumia

| February 14, 2012 | 0 Comments


I’ve not really talked about the standard basic cross platform apps like facebook and twitter much, mostly because it’s already integrated into people hub. But today the facebook app for Windows Phone got some love with a nice little update that improves it a lot and with Facebook being integral to many people’s smartphone use, it’s worth highlighting.

There’s a slight interface change, you get a banner at the top that shows off a picture of you with some friends, kinda like the banner page of the new facebook, but this one can’t be set. It cycles randomly when you open the app or click refresh. Not exactly sure what’s new on the features side but it seems to be better laid out. Is groups/pages new?

I tried to find some details on the update and came across the official WP blog.

They have a Lumia 800 as their demo handset. It’s a bit sad that they could have made it prettier with the banner, but they didn’t use it here. The improvements they mention:

You’ll find changes across the board: Improved panorama and profile designs, better news feed performance and navigation, new filters, and much much more

TheVerge has a piece on it too.




Category: Applications, Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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