

Nokia Lumia diagnostics, “For use in multi-core devices only. When USB Hub…”

| February 16, 2012 | 0 Comments

Roid from WeloveWP.HK emailed to say he saw a warning message on the Nokia Lumia 800’s diagnostic tool warning about

For use in multi-core devices only. When the USB Hub is turned on USB charging will no longer fuction. Device will be reboot after change. Do you wish to proceed?

What is this USB Hub that they talk of? I did wishfully think it might be some sort of indication for USB-OTG (not that it’s that popular of a feature, possibly not many people are even aware it’s possible on their N8s perhaps).

Multicore processor support is expected in WP Apollo. Fortunately, this single core 1.4GHz processor is already obscenely smooth (so much so that lag is obvious everywhere it once wasn’t on other platforms – especially certain Nokia ones, which I want to add also can be v. smooth, just not as)

Hi I am Roid from WeloveWP.HK, I found that in my Lumia 800’s On-Device
Diagnostic Tool, a warning message in setting page show”For use in multi-core
devices only.” Maybe they are testing some dual core WP7/8 devices! for more
information please go to our link:

Source: welovewp


Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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