

Windows Phone sales about to overtake Symbian this month in UK? Lumia the Lionshare of WP

| February 21, 2012 | 0 Comments

Electric Pig (via WPCentral) reports on figures by Kantar Worldpanel Comtech indicating apparently that Windows Phone might overtake Symbian sales this month.

Note though, I’m not a big fan of these survey things. I’m not actually sure there are sales data applied here though I might be wrong.

That’s not so much WP drastically growing, though there is growth, but rather Symbian crashing from 15.5% to 2.8%. But this downward trend in the UK was evident quite far back already (on top of Nokia switching focus last February). Even as far back as mid 2010, all the phone shops were pretty much all Android already, even freaking Tesco was advertising to their customers about getting an Android :(. Nokia’s own dominance in the UK was already wavering late 2009/2010 to Samsung, and then Nokia dares to come out to the UK with their 2011 portfolio expecting anything more?

There is a noted change however in Windows Phone sales, with Nokia’s entry perhaps assisting in the growth from 0.4% to now 2.2. ElectricPig speculates Nokia could push Windows Phone to 4th most popular. Actual numbers for each WP manufacturer is unknown but EP says Nokia’s Lumia 800 took the lionshare of sales (correlating with information we previously had about Nokia taking nearly half of second generation Windows Phone devices sales).

All is relative and taking over something in decline isn’t exactly a cause for celebration, but on the upside Nokia is at least on a platform that is growing and UK customers are seeing Nokia in a new light. When going to the cinema, I especially love it when the Lumia advert appears; I love hearing comments about “Oh, that’s the new Nokia Lumia!” or “It’s the new Windows Phone” chatter from behind, to which of course I conveniently just check out my homescreen so they can glance at the real thing.

Source: Electric Pig via WPCentral

Cheers Hoi for the tip!



Category: Lumia, Nokia, Windows Phone

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