

Weekend Watch: Snake the Planet! Adaptable projection snake

| March 4, 2012 | 2 Replies


We got tipped this yesterday by ‘Thatsme’, it’s a video of the classic snake game, but in two player mode that is projected on a wall. The special thing about this particular game of snake is that the obstacles adapt to its environment. Should it see windows, a person or something obstruction the initial laying down of the canvas, they become boundaries and obstacles.

Snake the Planet! takes the classic Snake game and adopts it to the MPU urban canvas. Each level is generated based on the architecture of the building it is projected onto. Windows, doors and signs become the boundaries and obstacles in the game as animated objects collide with and bounce off them using real-time physics simulation. The multiplayer game also has a Tron-like competitive element, where one player can intentionally block the others’ path to win the game.

Concept and programming:
Film Production:
Publicis Mojo -
Finch -
Director: Alexander Roberts
Creative Producers: Tim Buesing (Publicis Mojo), Emad Tahtouh (Finch)
Soundtrack: Tobio – Clock Wonk

Video by 


Category: Nokia

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